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Mobile Blogging Gone Wild

Another teacher sex scandal

I received an interesting comment to one of my blog posts from Ron Franscell, the managing editor of the Beaumont (TX) Enterprise, a 60,000-circulation daily newspaper a Beaumont, Texas.  His blog post can be found here.

Breaking news in Texas

Ron's paper just broke a news story about a "sex ring" involving high school football players and their coaches.  It seems the coaches were recruiting young high school women to "volunteer" to have oral sex with players on the football team.

The victim and other students [the detective] has interviewed mentioned a group that called itself the 3K, which stands for the "Kutchie Kissing Klique."

[The detective} described the group as "a group of guys who sought to have oral sex with younger girls."

Indictments are not proof of guilt

So far, it appears there is only tangential proof that the coaching staff is involved.  There is an indictment of the coaches, but I've learned in many years practicing law that an indictment does not mean guilt.  To quote a great lawyer I know, "A grand jury could indict a ham sandwich."

To digress, at a grand jury in NC, only the prosecutor and the law enforcement officials testify, so the indictment is, to say the least, one sided.  The strength of the indictment really depends on how much the District Attorney wants to prosecute.

I'll be interested in watching how this unfolds.  By all accounts, high school football in Texas is bigger than ACC basketball along Tobacco Road.  I suppose we will see.

Meaningful Analysis

And just so this post does not miss any meaningful analysis, I have seen in my practice that any group that is given a high level of respect from the community, a certain level of of lawlessness, and protection from authority, usually degenerates into abuse.

Having said that, it is the responsibility of the adults to regulate the bahavior of their minor charges.  I will bet that we will see, if the coaches are truly involved, a history of sexual expoitation on the part of the adults.

-Chris Nichols 1.800.906.5984


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